No Summer Place For 1970 Season: Shanower

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No Summer Place For 1970 Season: Shanower
Matt Whalen
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No Summer Place For 1970 Season: Shanower


"As far as I'm concerned there will be no Summer Place," stated Dr. Donald Shanower Monday.

Dr. Donald Shanower, director of the annual college - community summer theatre, Summer Place, said that unless provisions are made for a "permanent facility" to the house to Summer Place, he will not manage it.

Summer Place began two summers ago in a large circus tent. Last Summer on June 25 a "tornadic wind beset the tent and collapsed the canvas." The Summer Place found a temporary home in Pfeiffer Hall for the remainder of the summer. Pfeiffer proved to be entirely unsatisfactory, however.

The new theatre, proposed by Dr. Shanower, would offer a "new kind of theatrical involvement at North Central and serve as a cultural center for Naperville." The structure would cost between $20,000 and $40,000, he said. 

Dr. Shanower said that a certain Naperville businessman has offered a $1000 donation if a permanent structure was built. The businessman also felt that other contributions, totally perhaps $10,000 would come from Naperville businesses and residents for a permanent structure.

A fully heated, air conditioned, permanent building on the Fort Hill campus would be the result of a 4 to 5 year phased program as envisioned by Dr. Shanower, All he wants for this summer, however, is a concrete slab with a roof over it. 

President Arlo Schilling said that the plan was "not a logical possibility" and that the college simply does not have the funds necessary for such a project. He suggested that Summer Place use a tent again or a garage as they have in past years.

"I will not make any compromises," stated Dr. Shanower who feels these funds could be found. "That cheese-box outside my window (the Science Center) is the over-riding project on this campus.

The administration can not see beyond it. SO, cultural activity at North Central will have to go by the wayside," according to Dr. Shanower.

Dr. Shanower has received several calls from students at other universities, including Vasser, inquiring about Summer Place. He said he has told them there will not be a Summer Place.

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