The Diary of Anne Frank Open Auditions

Summer Place News

Summer Place Theatre to Hold  Auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank
Steve Koek
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Summer Place Theatre to Hold Auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank

Open auditions in downtown Naperville on Friday, May 1 and Saturday, May 2

The Summer Place Theatre will hold Auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank on Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2, at the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center in downtown Naperville. 


The Diary of Anne Frank Auditions



Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center
305 Jackson Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540











Friday, May 1, 7-9 p.m. - Time slots avaialable at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 2, 1-3 p.m. - Time slots avaialable at 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Callbacks (if needed, location TBD):
Sunday, May 3, 1-3 p.m. 

Thursday, July 9, 3 p.m.
Friday, July 10, 7 p.m.
Saturday, July 11, 3 p.m.
Saturday, July 11, 7 p.m.
Sunday, July 12, 3 p.m.

Rehearsals will be on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for three weeks starting on May 16. Begninning the week of June 7, reheasals will take place on Sunday afternoons, and Monday-Thursday evenings. Additional rehearsals and promotional events may be requested. 


Multiple roles available for characters ranging from teenagers to adults. 


Please prepare a 1-2 minute dramatic monologue with standard American accent (except for those auditioning for soldiers) that you think is suited to the part you are most interested in being considered for.


Email to reserve a spot for an audition


The Diary of Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank is being directed by Jorge Bermudez, who is returning to Summer Place Theatre after directing the hugely successful production of "South Pacific" in 2019. Second generation Dutch Holocaust survivor and Summer Place Theatre board member Steve Koek is co-producing with his wife, Andi Koek. 

Actors who are cast should expect additional appearances and events, as well as possible media attention.   

About the Show

The Diary of Anne Frank is one of the most famous and haunting stories to emerge from the 20th Century. The memoirs of this young Jewish girl, forced to hide for nearly two years to escape Nazi persecution, are an essential part of how we remember one of the darkest periods of our human history. Wendy Kesselman’s adaptation of the original, Pulitzer Prize award-winning script by Goodrich and Hackett draws from previously unpublished parts of Anne Frank’s real-life diary, allowing the audience to experience Anne in a way that breathes life into this passionate, complex young woman, allowing us to share her relatable experience of adolescence as a familiarly modern teenager. 

For nearly two years, Anne, her father, mother, and sister, joined with the Van Daan family and Mr. Dussel, to hide in a secret annex space above her father’s former office in Amsterdam, as the Nazis deported the Jews of Holland to their deaths. In her secret attic, Anne comes of age: she laughs, plays, fights with her mother, and falls in love for the first time. In spite of her oppressive circumstances and the horrors that surround her, Anne’s spirit transcends, as she voices her belief, “in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” Anne’s dynamism, her luminous spirit, and her story of resilience continue to resonate deeply, making her story as vital today as when her diary first was published. “Anne Frank” is more significant than ever with the cries of racism, anti-Semitism, and increased white nationalism.

Role Breakdown

Anne Frank: Female character age: 13 through 15 during her time in the annex. 

The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Anne is a lively, intelligent girl. Talkative, hopeful, strong willed, persistent. Accused of always joking. Curious, idealistic, cheerful on the outside but introspective on the inside. She is terrified but optimistic throughout the two years they are in hiding and tries to make the best of the situation. As her diary reveals, she is creative, and highly imaginative. She is entering puberty and this is a time of awakening for her.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Margot Frank: Female character age: 16 through 18 during her time in the annex. 

Quiet, polite, studious, reserved. Anne’s older sister, Margot is much more like her mother than Anne. She is a grounded, mature, and well-behaved young woman--the temperamental opposite of her sister Anne. Deeply considerate and absolutely terrified, Margot wants to be as little trouble to her parents as possible.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Mrs. Edith Frank: Female character age: 42-44 years old during her time in the annex. 

Anne’s reserved and perhaps worrisome/nervous mother, Mrs. Frank loves Anne, but she wishes she were more proper and polite, like her sister Margot.She grows concerned about Anne’s rambunctious behavior. Seen as unsympathetic by Anne, Mrs. Frank and Anne are not close.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Mr. Hermann Van Daan: Male character age: 44 through 46 during his time in the annex. 

A former business partner of Mr. Frank who helped the Frank family when they first immigrated to the Netherlands. Irritable and very paternalistic towards his son. Sometimes called childish by his wife, he is often critical of others.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Mrs. Petronella Van Daan: Female character age: 41-43 years old during her time in the annex. 

Mr. van Daan's wife. She is a proud high-status woman who longs to keep the connection to her parents and her past life. She demands to be treated with the utmost respect. She loves her husband, but the relationship is not what she would want it to be.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Peter Van Daan: Male character age: 16-18 during his years in the annex. 

Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan's son. Peter is a shy, awkward boy. Protective, kind heart, frustrated easily. Believe's at first Anne's a pain in the neck, he soon becomes a friend and confidant for her, and they share their first kiss together.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Mr. Albert Dussell: Male character age: 35-55 years old during his time in the annex. 

Former dentist. Difficult to get along with, he is described as a worrier.  He tells it like it is and shares a room with Anne much to both of their discomfort and anger.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Miep Gies: Female character age: 30s-40s. 

Helper to the people in the annex.Kind-hearted, peaceful, hopeful. Brave, courageous but modest and doesn't think of herself as a hero. Provides food, supplies, news and support for all that live in the secret annex.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Mr. Kraler: Male haracter age: 35-60. 

A businessman who works with Miep to help protect the people in hiding, Mr. Kraler risks his life to help his friends.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

*NOTE: The role of Otto Frank has been precast.

Auditions FAQ

Question: Do I have to make a reservation for an audition spot?

Answer: While not required, Summer Place is asking those planning on auditioning to reserve a time slot for the day and time they plan on auditioning to better facilitate the process. There are two audition call times for each audtion day. Call times available for Friday, May 1 are at 7 pm or 8:30 pm. For Saturday, May 2, call time is either 1 pm or 2:30 pm.

Question: When would rehearsals start?

Answer: There will be a mandatory all-cast table read where those cast will receive scripts and detailed information about the production schedule and process. The first rehearsal (also mandatory) will be on Wednesday, May 6. Thereafter, beginning on Sunday, May 17 rehearsals will take place on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and Wednesday evenings. The schedule shifts beginning on Sunday, June 7, when rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons, and Monday through Thursday evenings. Tech week begins Saturday, July 5. 

Question: Do I have to attend all rehearsals and performances?

Answer: We make allowances for an occasional absence and will try to structure the rehearsal schedule to accommodate the majority of the cast. Provided an absence or two does not impact the preparation of you or your fellow actors. Attendance for the table read, first rehearsal, and during tech week is mandatory, as are the performances, and a handful of potential additional promotional events.

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