A Chorus Line

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Don Gingold / Friday, November 22, 2019 / Categories: Past Shows

A Chorus Line

Naperville Central HS Auditorium

Event date: 6/20/2003 7:30 PM - 6/29/2003 3:00 PM Export event
A Chorus Line

Book by Nicholas Dante and James Kirkwood

Music by Marvin Hamlisch
Lyrics by Edward Kleban

Directed by: Tim Mullen  
Produced by: Corrie Graham
Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 PM, Sundays at 2 PM

Sixteen dancers audition for a Broadway show.  The director is looking for a final chorus of only 4 women and 4 men.  To help him make the final cut, he asks each dancer to tell why they think they are "ONE singular sensation.

The Cast

Sheila Bryant...................................Amy Arbizzani
Maggie Winslow..................................Whitney Baldwin
Al DeLuca.......................................Terry Christianson
Val Clark.......................................Amanda Cullison
Richie Walters..................................E. L. Gibson
Judy Turner.....................................Cassandra Liveris
Kristine Urich-DeLuca...........................Bridget McManamon
Larry...........................................J.P. Moraga
Cassie Ferguson.................................Kim Moustis
Bobby Mills.....................................Paul Mullen
Diana Morales...................................Angela Rosser
Greg Gardner....................................Kurtis Simmons
Don Kerr........................................Michael J. Taylor
Connie Wong.....................................Tiffany Topol
Roy.............................................Ozzy Torres
Mike Costa......................................Dan Tower
Mark Anthony....................................Jeff Victor
Bebe Benzenheimer...............................Erin Watt
Paul San Marco..................................José Zamora
Zach............................................Steve Zeidler

Ensemble: Mariellen Basalone, Senitra Benjamin, Laura Dohns, Jackie Duda, Jackie Elkerton, Barbara Hollander, Katie Kukielka, September Lee
Susanne Neff, Patrick O’Keefe, Ashley Palmer, Jessica Schultz, Irene Servose, Jana Tau, Heidi Trost, Peggy Ward, Brenda Warren 

Creatives & Crew

Director/Choreographer..............Tim Mullen
Vocal Director......................Ted Waltmire
Orchestra Director..................Nikki Carnevale
Dance Captain.......................Jill Donelan
Producer.............................Corrie Graham
Publicity: Bernadette Budny, Timothy Mullen, Paul Mullen, The Cast, Judy DiVita, Cynthia Lauren-Grant 
Playbill Layout and Design...........Bernadette Budny
Box Office Manager...................Georgia Harle
House Manager........................Cynthia Lauren-Grant
Technical Director...................Chris Wych
Lighting Designer....................Dominic Chevalier
Scenic Designer......................Matt Steinbrenner
Sound Designers: Gretchen Auten, Steve Byers,    Dominic Chevalier, Jeremy  Lyon, Chris Wych
Stage Manager........................Gretchen Auten
Light Board Operator.................Matt Anders
Spot Light Operators: Matt Kalbfeld, Mike  Michelon
Sound Board Operators: Nick Grazulis, Jeremy Lyon
Backstage Captain: Chris Wych
Backstage Crew: Steve Byers, Dominic Chevalier
Construction Crew: Chris Wych, Matt Anders, Nick Grazulis, Andrew Moeggenborg
Park District: Betty Roth
Photography: Judy DiVita


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The Summer Place, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and receives our funding through sales of affordably priced tickets, program ads, concessions, grants, and from the kind donations of our patrons.

We are Naperville's Community TheatreSM. Our all-volunteer board, crew and cast work hard together to produce entertaining plays and musicals for the Naperville area. We invite you to get involved! We are a proud member of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce https://www.naperville.net/

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P.O. Box 2394
Naperville, IL 60567


Partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.


And by a grant from the Naperville Special Events & Cultural Amenities Fund.

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