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Matt Whalen / Wednesday, December 28, 2022 / Categories: Past Shows


Event date: 2/5/2011 8:00 PM - 2/13/2011 5:00 PM Export event

By: Arthur Laurents (Author), Jule Style (Composer), Stephen Sondheim (Lyricist)
February 5-13 2011

L.A………………………………..…….Brett Baleskie
Herbie…………………………..……..Keith Carlson
Ensemble………………………..……Grace Carlson
Newsboy………………………..…….Ryan Casey
Mazeppa………………………..……Suzanne Compton
Rose……………………………..…..…Sarah L. Conrad
Tulsa……………………………..……..Michael DeFrang
Louise……………………………..…..Brianne DeFrang
George/Phil/Weber………………...Ian Emerson
Newsboy…………………………..…Kyle Erkonen
Baby June………………………….…Kara Garland
Electra…………………………….…..Phyllis Guasta
Amanda/Gladys/Cow…………….Lauren Hrunek

Young Louise…………………………Sophie Michael
Balloon Girl/Hollywood Blonde…..Fernanda O'Brien
Hollywood Blonde………………….Marcela O'Brien
Newsboy……………………………..Connor Payne
Hollywood Blonde………………….Jordan Piper
Photographer……………………....Brandon Piper
Tessie Tura…………………………...Katie Piper
Ensemble……………………………Shannon Piper
Yonkers……………………………....Connor Relyea
Dainty June…………………………Jennifer Schmidt
Marjorie May………………………..Amanda Walsh
Gladys……………………………….Amanda Walsh
Miss Cratchitt………………….……Amanda Walsh
Pop…………………………………....Ted Waltmire
Uncle Jocko………………………...Steve Zeidler

Creatives & Crew
Director………………………………Michael Vaughn
Director……………………………….Ted Waltmire
Choreographer………………..…..Shawn Quinlan
Lighting Designer………………..…Mike Kellner
Stage Manager…………………....Sherry Nolan
Technical Director…………….…..Jeff Sand
Producer……………………………..Steve Zeidler
Producer……………………………..Lynn Hodak



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About The Summer Place

The Summer Place, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and receives our funding through sales of affordably priced tickets, program ads, concessions, grants, and from the kind donations of our patrons.

We are Naperville's Community TheatreSM. Our all-volunteer board, crew and cast work hard together to produce entertaining plays and musicals for the Naperville area. We invite you to get involved! We are a proud member of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce

The Summer Place, Inc.                                                                                                                                     

P.O. Box 2394
Naperville, IL 60567


Partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.


And by a grant from the Naperville Special Events & Cultural Amenities Fund.

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