Jekyll & Hyde

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Don Gingold / Wednesday, November 13, 2019 / Categories: Past Shows

Jekyll & Hyde

Jekyll & Hyde the musical

Event date: 7/29/2005 7:30 PM - 8/14/2005 3:00 PM Export event
Jekyll & Hyde

Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde.........................Steve Calzaretta
Lucy Harris...................................Elizabeth Lanza
Emma Carew....................................Monica Szaflik
John Utterson.................................Michael Doll
Sir Danvers Carew.............................Jim Heatherly
1st Gentleman.................................John Grieco
2nd Gentleman.................................Jack Bentley
Bishop of Basingstoke/Bissett.................Joe Tokarz
General Lord Glossop..........................Kyle De La Cruz
Sir Archibald Proops..........................Matt Whalen
Lord Savage...................................Martin Gonzalez
Lady Beaconsfield.............................Kimberly Moorman
Nellie........................................Lori Chanay-Klose
Spider........................................Timothy Mullen
Madame Maisie..................................Deanna K. Reed
Poole/Old Man..................................Brian Case
Priest.........................................Matt Colbert
Simon Stride...................................Zachary Miller
Nurse..........................................Diane Regar

Red Rat Girls: Annalisa Ahlman, Dottie Bris-Bois, Lauren Fijol, Tricia McConnell, Stephanie Sexauer, Hillary Stein, Margaret Wimp
Red Rat Boys: James Ball, Mitchell Davis, Jeff Victor

Ensemble: Tom Foiles, Brett Baleskie, Marc Halata, Mike Krcil, Matt Rocush, Jim Reinhardt, Barbara Bonomo, Sarah L. Conrad, Patricia Davoren, Cynthia Katz, Valerie Meacham, Linda Miller, Runako Robinson
Irene Servose, Amanda Walsh

Creatives & Crew
Director......................................Jim Heatherly
Producer......................................Jim Heatherly, Steve Zeidler
Properties....................................Timothy Mullen
Music Director................................Shannon Greene Robb
Costume Designer..............................Irene Servose
Costume Assistant.............................Lisa Beth Kohout
Vocal Coach...................................Heather Hutchison
Scenic Desingner..............................Lee Brasuell
Sound Designer................................Thomas J. Ringrose
Technical Director............................Thomas J. Ringrose
Lighting Designer.............................Cal Turner
Stage Manager.................................Charles Sizer
Stage Combat Choreographer....................Charles Sizer, Mike Krcil
Dance Captain.................................Jeff Victor


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About The Summer Place

The Summer Place, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and receives our funding through sales of affordably priced tickets, program ads, concessions, grants, and from the kind donations of our patrons.

We are Naperville's Community TheatreSM. Our all-volunteer board, crew and cast work hard together to produce entertaining plays and musicals for the Naperville area. We invite you to get involved! We are a proud member of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce

The Summer Place, Inc.                                                                                                                                     

P.O. Box 2394
Naperville, IL 60567


Partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.


And by a grant from the Naperville Special Events & Cultural Amenities Fund.

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