< Return to List of Past Shows Don Gingold / Monday, December 18, 2017 / Categories: News Christmas Music at the Mall Summer Place Singers at Fox Valley Event date: 12/18/2017 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Export event Here's a great time to get that last minute shopping done! Come jingle with us at the mall this Monday, December 18! Our show starts at 8:00 and we're one of a number of acts performing there. The Summer Place Singers is a group of our performers who get together for special appearances like this one pictured, but certainly not limited to Christmas shows. Under the direction of Cynthia Lauren Grant, the singers do Broadway numbers, Gershwin tunes, TV and movie Jingles, and a host of other musical numbers. Pictured here are (from left) Jolene Bochmann (accompanist), Daniel Ewan, Noreen Emerson, Elizabeth Nystedt, Tracy Kay, Bob Cappetta, Brenda Gilmore, Cynthia Lauren Grant and Stuart Vance. Other singers in the group include Phyllis Guasta, Mike Placek, Cindi Erickson, Grace Politowicz, Kevin Erwin, Marty Matutis and Steve Zeidler. New singers step in and out of shows depending on their schedule. The mall show is free to the public and all are welcome. Don't miss the Singers in March as they perform By Thy Rivers Gently Flowing, a music celebration of our state's 200th birthday. Print 2393 < Return to List of Past Shows